Peik Larsen
1976 MFA, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston and Tufts University, Medford, MA
1972 San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
1971 BA, Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT
2019 Commune, iartcolony, Rockport, MA
2018 Cult of Cape Ann, iartcolony, Rockport, MA
2017 Walking Prints, Freight & Volume , NY
this is it, iartcolony, Rockport, MA
2016 Party, iartcolony, Rockport, MA
2015 14 Alumni, Choate Rosemary Hall 125th Celebration, Wallingford, CT
Spirit Awards, Maud Morgan Art Center, Cambridge, MA
Directors Choice, Schoolhouse Gallery, Provincetown, MA
2014 The Cloud in the Paper, Schoolhouse Gallery, Provincetown, MA
Out of Bounds, SMFA, Rockport Art Association, Rockport, MA
2013 What’s the Story, Freight & Volume, New York, NY
1997 - 2013 Summer Faculty, Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA
2000 - 2002 Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Lecturer and Head Tutor, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
1995 - 2000 Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Lecturer and Studio Arts Administrator, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
1985 - 1995 Department of Visual and Environmental Studies, Tutor, Harvard University Cambridge, MA
The iconography of the figure and the elements such as tree or water remain as important as the qualities of space, light and energy. The transparencies enable the necessary shift between figurative and abstract narrative.
To see more of my work, please visit
Sitting, Trace Monotype on Kitakata, Ink and Solvent on Moriki, 11.75in x 17.75in, 1993, $3100
Yampa, Pastel Monotype with Ink, Solvent, 5.5in x 5.25in, 2003, $1400
Auburn III, Pastel Monotype, 12in x 12in, 1998, $3100
East Middlebury, Oil on Canvas, 17.5in x 21.5in, 1971, NFS (In senior degree show)
Landscape, Intaglio, 5in x 5in, edition 5, 1971, $1500 (In senior degree show)
Atlas, Intaglio, 19.75in x 17.5in, 1985-2020, Edition 5, $4200
3 Trees, Diptych, Acrylic, Watercolor on Rice Paper and Panel, 36in x 58in, 2020, $8300
Walking/Seal, Multiple of Wood, Steel, Presensitized Zinc, Clay, Ink on Kitakata, 11.5in x 16in x 1.5in, Edition 6, 2016, $4800
Reif, Oil on Canvas, 62in x 57in, 1985, NFS
Ferries, Oil on Masonite, Cutouts, Dowels, Balls, 47in x 47in x 7in, 1977, NFS
Slow, Acrylic on Board, Dowels, Balls, Found Objects, 18in x 18in x 4in, 1979, $4800
Banyan 2, Mixed Media, 20in x 25in, 2009, NFS