Middlebury Class of '71 Art Show
Welcome to the Class of '71 50th Reunion Art Show! We are glad you have stopped by.
Like the brightly colored mosaic header at the top of the following pages, our class is a mosaic of talents, interests, and outlooks. The artwork represented here comprises a variety of imagery, style, methods, and materials reflecting this diversity.
Within the pages of this site you will find an exciting, lively, and accomplished collection of artwork created by our classmates.
While nearly 10% of our class were Art Majors, several participants in the show were not. They pursued other careers, but their interest and talent in the visual arts shows through.
Many of the pieces in this show are for sale and have a sale price listed. In many cases, a portion of the sale price will be donated to Middlebury College. Those that are not available for sale will have an “NFS” (Not For Sale) listing. If you are interested in purchasing any of the available artwork, please reach out to the individual artist.
Regardless of your interest in purchasing artwork, we hope you will spend time perusing the creative work of our classmates.
We will be hosting a “Meet The Artists” Zoom Meeting on June 8th at 4:00pm Eastern Time. We hope many of you will attend to hear the comments of the artists and to directly ask them questions. Please click HERE to Register for the "Meet the Artists" Zoom call.
Again, thank you for stopping by our virtual Reunion Art Show. We are proud of our classmates' dedication to the arts and their accomplishments.
Brent Seabrook Craig Morris